Monday, January 3, 2011

Disaster - A Very White Day After Christmas

     So far there has been no snow and anyone who has a job is thankful for this, but mother nature made up for all the snow with the mother of all snowfalls on December 26. The weather forecast predicted between sixteen and twenty inches of snow and people lined up at the stores buying up everything they could as it would appear to be impossible to leave their house during the snowstorm. When the day came mother nature did not disappoint as the snow was up to two feet! The mayor declared a state of emergency which has not happened in over three years.
     Even watching the snow from inside was a sight to see as it would not appear to ever stop falling. Fire trucks came buy to dig out fire hydrants that were completely covered in snow. This snow stopped anyone from even trying to accomplish anything if it involves the outdoors so your bets bet is to stay inside with a cup of hot cocoa and be prepared to stay a while. Stores are closed so stocking up on food was a very wise and my sympathy goes out to all the people who were not able to stock up on food such as myself.
     This ridiculous snowfall made it hard for even kinds to enjoy as children in the younger ages would have snow up to their necks i they so much as stepped outside. Others had their doors blocked by snow and saw it impossible to even try to leave. Anyone attempting to commute back to their respective homes should be prepared to not see home for a while as travel was very difficult. Cars would be submerged completely in snow and people found it hard to eve find their cars as all you can see is huge heaps of snow. People shoveling had to be careful to not hit their car and not mistake it for just snow.
     If you like snow I bet you wont anymore after seeing such a downfall of snow. For people who do not like snow just hope that this never happens again. This is definitely a snow to go down in history.

1 comment:

  1. Hello there!

    I hope you don't mind me contacting you, but I am a TV researcher working on a new Christmas show about funny christmas stories and kitchen disasters.

    In this humorous seasonal special, we reveal the country’s silliest Christmas cookery cock-ups before serving up a selection of best ever, idiot-proof, Christmas recipes.

    I really loved reading your story! I was just wondering if retelling your story for the show would be something that you might be interested in? (if you are UK based, of course? I have a feeling you might be in the US?)

    Anyway, I look forward to hearing from you! You can email me on


    Lucy x
